03 Aug

Are you looking for how to cure piles naturally? If you have been suffering from this condition, I am sure you must have tried most products available in the market that claim to cure this problem. The question that arises is how to find out the best treatment to cure your disease? Read on this article for more information.

 How to Treat Piles - Hemorrhoids or piles are generally of two types. They can be internal or external. They are generally caused by long term constipation which causes straining in the rectum region. Straining of the rectum region increases pressure in the veins around the anus and in the anus itself resulting in swellings of the veins and muscles in this region. Piles can be both internal and external.

 So, how to treat hemorrhoids effectively? It is quite simple! Hemorrhoids are not a serious disease. But they can be very uncomfortable and irritating. To relieve constipation, one of the best remedies is to use a mild fiber diet along with drinking plenty of water. These simple remedies help one to reduce constipation and ease bowel movements.

 How to Treat Hemorrhoids - A person suffering from hemorrhoids can take an Epsom salt bath twice a day. This will relax the muscles and veins in the rectum region reducing swelling and itching. Epsom salt baths also help to cleanse the blood and remove toxins from the body. After taking a bath using Epsom salt, it is important to apply petroleum jelly directly to the anus and the affected areas. This will help to alleviate itching and pain. 

How to Cure Piles - Eating more vegetables and fruits helps to detoxify the body thereby preventing constipation and hemorrhoids. Foods that are rich in fiber include green leafy vegetables, cabbage, radishes and cucumbers. Drinking plenty of water and other liquids also helps to keep the bowels regular. One should also avoid junk food, fatty foods, chocolates and alcohol. 

How to Treat Hemorrhoids - A combination of cold compress, ice, and fomentation will relieve the pain caused by piles. Fomentation is the process of introducing medicine into the anus in the form of a suppository. This is done by inserting a suppository into the anus using a sterilized instrument or a swab. 

How to Cure Piles - To avoid recurrence of piles, do not sit for long at one place. Always walk around while at rest, this will prevent straining of the veins which may cause blood to come out from the rectal region. One should also keep the anal region clean and dry at all times.

 The anus should be kept clean and moist at all times to avoid the formation of bacteria. Do not keep the lid of the toilet tissues on at all times. How to Treat Piles - Apply aloe vera gel on the affected area. Clean the affected area with sterile material and apply aloe vera gel on it. After a few days, apply a mixture of petroleum jelly and Castor oil on the affected part. Apply this mixture everyday and the piles will fall off. Apply a mixture of coconut milk and lemon juice on the anal area and this will reduce burning sensation and help in curing the disease.

 How to Cure Piles - Drink plenty of water. Water helps in flushing out the toxins and keeps the body well hydrated. Another option to treat constipation is to take anti-inflammatory properties of natural herbs like aloe vera or echinacea. These herbs help in improving the immune system and reduces inflammation of the bowel movement. 

How to Cure Piles - Take a warm sitz bath once daily and use a non-medicated laxative. This will help in removing the waste matter from the rectum and also prevents the formation of mucus. Apart from treating constipation anti-inflammatory properties of herbs medicine like echinacea will also help in reducing the inflammation of the bowels. Aloe vera and slippery elm powder also have anti-inflammatory properties. 

How to Cure Piles - If you are affected with piles then you must be feeling uncomfortable because of the irritation in the affected area, bleeding while passing stool and difficulty in passing stool. The straining during bowel movement may also cause severe pain. These conditions are caused due to inflammation of the veins around the anus, which is caused by infection and irritation. The first and best step towards curing piles is to see a doctor.

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